Manufacturing and Wholesale
We offer manufacturing and wholesale businesses comprehensive insurance coverages, utilizing our dedicated underwriting and claims teams who leverage regional expertise to provide responsive and quality service.

Comprehensive Insurance Solutions for Your Manufacturing and Wholesale Risks
From food to fabrication, we offer a broad range of comprehensive insurance solutions that can be tailored to your unique needs.
Target Classes
- Architectural and Ornamental Metal Work
- Electrical Apparatus and Equipment, Wiring Supplies, and Construction
- Electronic Parts and Equipment
- Fabricated Structural Metal
- Fabricated Metal Products
- Farm Machinery and Equipment
- Farm Supplies
- Hardware
- Industrial and Commercial Fans and Blowers and Air Purification Equipment
- Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Equipment
- Lumber, Plywood, Mill Work, and Wood Panels
- Metals Service Centers and Offices
- Metal Stampings
- Motor Vehicle Supplies and New Parts
- Office Equipment
- Service Establishment Equipment and Supplies
- Sheet Metal Work
Preferred Manufacturing and Wholesale Class Guidelines
Minimum of three years in business
3-5 years favorable loss runs
Hazardous materials ineligible
Quality control program in place
Written fleet safety policy
Local and regional distributors
No after-market or critical auto/industrial parts
Importers, aerospace, nuclear, medical and chemical manufacturing ineligible
Buildings 20 years or newer
Buildings 25,000 square feet or less
Direct importing from outside of the United States ineligible
Trucking and backhauling are excluded from appetite

Manufacturing and Wholesale Coverage Options
We offer flexible insurance solutions and a broad range of coverage options for the manufacturing and wholesale businesses in the Southwest region, including auto, property, general liability, inland marine, workers compensation, and umbrella.